2013-09-14 - Rock Creek Ramble with Gayatri and Barry


~17 miles @ ~12 min/mi

Lovely-cool weather for a trek along Rock Creek. Spy: a dozen deer, including one buck with a great rack eating flowers from a neighbor's garden. Middle miles flow with comrades Gayatri Datta and Barry Smith. Runkeeper roughly agrees with Garmin GPS, which has splits as 10:45 + 9:47 + 11:27 + 12:58 + 10:58 + 16:12 + 11:14 + 11:58 + 12:56 + 11:14 + 11:55 + 15:19 + 10:46 + 11:29 + 11:01 + 11:30 + 9:16 + and a final fraction at ~9:10 min/mi pace.

^z - 2013-09-28